Space to play

Annabel Oxford – brought up family close to Castle Green – now a Director of Friends of Castle Green and passionate about maintaining this special place – a space to play

In all weathers people use the space for fun and games. Dog walkers throwing balls, family picnics, children’s sporty activities, teenagers playing footy, toddlers taking their first steps – it all happens on the grass.

Children learn to ride their bikes along the paths around the green, joggers train, people stroll, children at local schools use the paths for games.

It is a safe place where parents can doze in the sun while children play or a brilliant local space for fun and games with sledges, tin trays or bin bags when it snows.

Bringing up a family and living close by to the Green and River I have lots of happy memories of playing. It is a fantastic space for lots of families bordering the park as many of us have small back gardens.

My daughter took to skipping, hoola hoping and endlessly trying to get her parents to play badminton with her on the grass. With no net or lines this often proved tricky but we carried on until she was old enough to go herself with mates. My son used the space for many football games and then later as a teenager to meet mates and play guitar.

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