Friends of Castle Green has been awarded £10,000 to run city-wide consultation events based primarily in the Pavilion. Specifically we shall run:
- 2 project promotion days in the High Town area of Hereford city centre.
- 14 World Cafe events, each for 32 people, to incorporate an in-depth presentation followed by small group discussions on the challenges, risks and opportunities for the future of Castle Green. General dates are:Wednesday, 8th March Wednesday 3rd May Wednesday 2nd August
Wednesday 22nd March Wednesday 28th June
Wednesday 19th April Wednesday 26th JulyPlease contact if you would like to join in or print off FofCG_WorldCafe_Leaflet_ and send it back to us.
- 3 Planning for Real consultations, that would coincide with our large, open-air and free-to-attend public events, to capture the views and opinions of up to 10,000 people. This element would include displays of ideas and strategies emerging from the World Cafe events.
Following these events, the Friends of Castle Green will undertake analysis of the results of the consultation and publish a report of the findings. This report will form the basis of detailed representations to Herefordshire Council’s Forward Planning Team in order to ensure the findings’ inclusion in the Hereford Area Plan.
We are really excited by the success of this funding application. We are poised to take over the Pavilion on a permanent basis and this project will allow us to plan for the long term future of the Pavilion and the Castle Green and to start to develop community business models that will help create sustainable long term income for the area.